Thursday, July 8, 2010

NBA Reality TV - Starring LeBron James

As a self-proclaimed NBA fanatic, I have been pondering this LeBron situation since the announcement at the beginning of the week. Why would ESPN give King James a whole hour show, when all he really needs is a 15-minute press conference? What makes LeBron more newsworthy than Kobe or Michael? How many rings does he have?

Don’t get me wrong, I love LeBron as a player and recognize his GREATNESS but this whole social media circus; surrounding his decision has left an extremely bad taste in my mouth. With today’s social media outlets leaks and rumors are easily spread. Yesterday alone there were many confirmations from “credible” sources that LeBron was going to the Knicks and to Miami. My brother figured the reason he is making his statement from Greenwich, was that it was close to the Garden. I was thinking that if he were in fact leaving Cleveland, it would be a great idea not to be home, when the world finds out. While writing this blog post I did a Twitter search for LeBron. In the last 10 minutes, there have been 1,855 tweets. As an Egomaniac I know that he is relishing all this attention.

I wonder how this reality show will play out. Will they wait till the last minute like Dancing With the Stars or American Idol? At 5 till will they announce, “We will be right back with LeBron’s decision," and then cut to a LeBron commercial. Will he come back wearing the jersey of choice? I hope not but if he reveals his decision in the first 10 minutes, what will the rest of the program focus on?

I am about to ironically contradict myself and put my two cents in. Here is a letter to LeBron from yours truly.

Dear LeBron,
I know you have had a hard time making your decision. So hard in fact that you need a whole hour of our time to make the grand reveal. Here is what I think you should and shouldn’t do. Btw buddy word spell check hates your name.

No to Chicago buddy. You will have to give up your jersey there and honestly, Jordan is too much to live up to. You are amazing but you are not Michael.

A big fat NO to Miami. It sounds good in theory but you and Wade are not the sharing types. You like to get big points and so does he. Bosh complements you both but you guys are not TEAM players. Look at what happened with the 2003 Lakers all-star team, the year they had Shaq, Kobe, Malone, and Payton. They lost to Detroit.

No to staying in Cleveland. Mostly because if that is your decision, you have wasted our time with all this hype.

Finally a HUGE yes to the Knicks. Yes, I want him to choose the Knicks. As a longtime suffering New Yorker, coming from a family of Knick fans, the idea of King James at MSG is completely appealing. Part of me wants to boycott this self-indulgent media circus but like a horrible train wreck, I just can’t look away.

There have been so many great articles written about this subject in the last few days. Here is a link to one of my favorites.

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