Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Return to WonderCon

Photo by: Jonathan Shensa

It was great to be back at WonderCon this year. Having unfortunately missed last year’s event, I was eager to reconnect with my geeky roots.

As usual there were some comforting aspects to being thrown back into supreme Geekdom. Here are some fun facts about WonderCon for those not so familiar with the conference.

Sci-fi / Fanboys are the most fanatical fun breed of fans in the “Verse”.

You get lots of free comics and other cool geeky swag.

They have panels that give you a sneak peak at upcoming Sci-Fi TV shows, movies, and comics.

Fans enjoy dressing up so it feels like Halloween on a pile of steroids.

There is a ton of cool merchandise.

Side note: For some reason people assume all comic book fans are very large men, so they have all this cool merchandise but the sizes are way too big.

On the bottom floor they have an autograph area where you can see your old favorites and take photos with them for a price. This juxtaposition is always entertaining because WonderCon seems to have Sci-Fi gods at the top of their game mixed in with Old School favorites charging $25 a pop to make ends meet. 

This year’s biggest autograph stars were:

Lou Ferrigno - The Hulk on the classic TV show
Honky Tonk – old wrestler
Herbert Jefferson Jr. – The original Lt. Boomer in the classic BSG (Battlestar Galactica)
Peter Mayhew – Chewbacca (what a wookie)
Cindy Morgan – The original Tron girl

The highlight of my day was getting to sit in on the Green Lantern panel. I confess that although I do speak superhero and I am well versed in Sci-Fi Geekdom, I am not familiar with the story of the Green Lantern nor do I know his sacred oath. The panel was not only entertaining but educational as well. I even got to hear the crowd and the actors recite the sacred oath.

I was pleasantly surprised by the likeability of Ryan Reynolds. I also felt that he had great chemistry with Blake Lively. Speaking of Blake, I knew she was good-looking but I had no clue she was drop-dead gorgeous in person. Sitting about 5 feet from her, I was taken back with how truly stunning she looked. We were lucky enough to have a sneak peak at the movie and it looks like a blast.

Fun fact: Ryan’s Green Lantern suit is made of pure CGI energy so his body looks completely smoking during the whole movie. This is a fact that gave the ladies (yes there were other ladies at WonderCon) something to scream about.

Photo by:  Jonathan Shensa

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