Saturday, April 30, 2011

Deep thoughts on the 1st Round of the NBA Playoffs

Surprisingly, this year’s first round of the playoffs have become Must See TV. Most of the series match ups have been both unpredictable and exciting. I almost feel that kind of March Madness thrill, where the underdog has a real shot and anything can happen. Let’s take a closer look at some highlights and brutal truths.

Lakers vs. Hornets (Final 4-2)
This series threw me for a loop. As a Lakers fan, I was really worried after the first few games. I want to take a moment to marvel at Chris Paul and his obviously extraordinary talent. Although he struggled throughout the regular season (averaging his lowest 16pts and 10 assists a game) he made sure that the playoffs meant a fresh start. Despite his size and stitches over his right eye, Chris Paul came to play. In the two wins he averaged 30pts and 15 assists a game. CP3 is and will remain a Triple Threat. Bravo. I am ecstatic that Bynum, Gasol, Odom, and Artest decided to help Kobe out and win the series. I know in my heart that a Three-peat is probably not in the cards for this year.

Grizzlies vs. Spurs (Final 3-2)
This was by far the most shocking series in this round. A Cinderella story if Cinderella was shaped like 2 bulky brute big men (Marc Gasol and Zach Randolph combined weight is over 500 pounds). This match up proves that brute force can beat experience and a stellar record. The Grizzlies held the number one seed in the West to a shooting percentage of under 42%. Crazy. Marc Gasol (Pau’s younger/bigger brother) owned the paint. Zach Randolph (one of my fantasy players) preformed magic on the court. Unfortunately, for the Spurs, not even Manu Ginobili and his growing bald spot, could save them from a first round elimination. Congrats to the Grizzlies for being just the second 8 seed team, to knock out a number 1 seed team, since the league expanded the first round to a 7 game series. We all know that the other team to do it was my beloved inconsistent Warriors.

Thunder vs. Nuggets (Final 4-1)
I expected this match up to be better. I realize the combination of Durant, Ibaka, and Westbrook is a deadly one. This young team is explosive to watch. I think they will probably make it all the way to the Finals this year. With all that said, since the trade of Carmelo Anthony to the Knicks in the regular season the Nuggets played fantastic. I have love for the Nuggets because they have Raymond Felton and a few other choice Knick players. I was hoping that they would win more than one game but at least they didn’t get swept like the Knicks did.

Bulls vs. Pacers (Final 4-1)
Unfortunately, this series falls into the predictable pack. D. Rose, future MVP and my personal hero from my fantasy team is just a force to be reckoned with. In game 1 he had 39 pts and in game 2 he had 36. There was a scary moment in Game 4, where he tweaked his ankle but luckily his teammates Boozer and Noah stepped up. He is amazing to watch. I just can’t wait to see the level he will be playing at in the next few years. Here is a quote from Frank Vogel (the Pacers coach) that I feel accurately describes his talent. “He’s got Allen Iverson’s speed, Jason Kidd’s vision, Chauncey Billup’s shooting, and Michael Jordon’s athleticism. How do you guard that?” I couldn’t have said it better myself.

Mavericks vs. Blazers (Final 4-2)
This series became competitive once Portland played at home and I was hoping for Portland to put up more of a fight. Dirk as usual is a clutch player. He scores when he needs to. It’s hard for me to truly appreciate his talent because I hate Dallas and in particular his Hasselhoff loving ass. I am happy that in Game 4 Brandon Roy landed 24 pts in 24 minutes. I am also looking forward to the Lakers kicking some Texan booty in the second round. Fingers crossed.

Celtics vs. Knicks (Final 4-0)
For so many reason this was the most painful series to watch. It was also the only sweep. I feel nauseous just thinking about it right now. The first two games were competitive, heartbreaking, and close. It was just downhill from there. It doesn’t matter if you blame it on Billups’s health or that the big 3 haven’t really had enough time to gel. You could even say it’s because Rondo is a beast. Any way you look at it, it’s just the epic failure of the NY Knicks once again. They should have won at least one game at MSG. As a native New Yorker and a long time Knick fan, we must move on from this all too familiar sore subject.

Hawks vs. Magic (Final 4-2)
This series came as another unpredictable shock. I fully expected the Magic to advance to the second round. To be completely honest, I am an avid NBA fan and besides Al Horford, I have no clue who even plays for the Atlanta Hawks. I didn’t even watch all of the games in this series. What I did see was Superman fighting alone (averaging about 33 pts a game). The problem was that the rest of the team didn’t seem to show up. I must say, I am impressed with the Hawks and looking forward to watching them more closely in round 2.

Heat vs. Sixers (Final 4-1)
It wasn’t a surprise to see the Heat roll over the Sixers. I was happy that the Sixers won at least one game. I was hoping for two. The Sixers have great potential and a very young team. I was happy to see both Jrue Holiday and Thaddeus Young (2 more fantasy players) fighting to stay alive. Despite their best efforts, everyone knew they were no match for the Heat. Miami has come a long way from their 9-8 start. They seem to compliment each other and have found a balance. Since Miami is my least favorite team in the entire NBA, all I can say is…Go Celtics! If you truly knew me you would realize just how hard that was to say and that yes hell has frozen over.

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