Friday, October 2, 2009

Rachel’s Bizzaro Summer Concert series Part 2

Show # 2 Counting Crows @ The Greek Theatre

Yes I am obsessed with the 90’s. I have seen the Counting Crows several times but this show was different for a few reasons. I have never seen them at the Greek before and I was really close. This show was great the sound, the crowd, and the free booze (thank you Visa Signature Card). We also had a front row seat to see a drunken White Trash fan (who was sitting in front of us) walk on stage and be carried out by security. Before the show started the drunk tatted wife beater owner said he was going to get back stage. We didn’t believe him but he did better he just walked on stage and put his arm around Adam for about 2 seconds before he was carried out and banned from the Greek. Now that’s entertainment.

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