Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Now what? Part 2

The next milestone was my pseudo graduation. I walked but I still have 2 classes and a final review. Although it was mostly anti-climatic it was amazing to see the look of pride on my parents faces. Three years of hard work, cocky teachers sometimes bordering on cruel and a zillion dollars in debt but it was worth it to see them smile.

After a 5-course semester I should be stoked to have some down time but I have been going a little stir crazy. I am waiting on a few different leads for a much needed internship. I am broke so I was not able to get away and clear my head like I usual do after a huge semester. I am finally started to put this nervous energy to a productive use. For 2 weeks all I did was watch basketball and Battlestar Galactica. Now I am starting to kick back into gear and feel like myself again. 

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