Saturday, February 5, 2011

I Guess I’m a Superfan (Part I of the Franco Experience)

I am usually careful not to put celebrities up on a pedestal and confuse their acting personas with who they are in the real world.

In September, I tagged along with my brother to observe fan behaviors at the Easy A movie premiere and subsequently broke them up into categories. Here is a crash course.

5 Categories:

The Superfans – These avid fans love the particular actors they are waiting to see. In this case James Franco and Seth Rogen.

Autograph Addicts & Collectors – These fanatics are addicted to meeting and collecting autographs from celebrities. They are not fans of a particular actor/actress but of all famous people.

Paparazzi/ Videographers/ Independent Photographers

Random Happenings – Local people walking by sometimes stumble into a celebrity event by accident.

Last weekend I successfully blurred the lines between observation and participation. As many of you already know I am obsessed with James Franco. There are many reasons for my fixation. He is highly intelligent, talented, and looks like a Greek god. Recently I found out he is in the midst of two graduate programs (a PHD in English at Yale and a MFA at RISD). I also have been reading his collection of short stories, Palo Alto. He writes, acts, directs, and is a habitual student.  All these factors only intensify my fascination.

When I found out that Mr. Franco was getting the Outstanding Acting Award at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival, for his work in 127 Hours, I jumped in my car and trekked back to my old college town with a huge smile plastered across my face.

I had a mission. I was going to meet him, take some photos, attend the event, and get him to sign my book. I was going to be a Superfan, Autograph Collector, and Paparazzi all rolled up into one star-struck gal. I didn’t realize I was going to turn into a giggling 13-year old girl in the process.

Part II will have all the juicy details of my mission.

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