Monday, February 7, 2011

An Awesome Super Bowl Distraction

This year for the Super Bowl, I was in an unusual predicament. Not only did I have no allegiance to either of the teams but I also had no extreme hatred for them (which can make the game a bit boring). So, I was hoping for a good game to distract me from this harsh reality. The first half of the game didn’t deliver but luckily I had an entertaining distraction this year.

Thank you Mullen & Radian6 for giving us the Brand Bowl. Being in the ad game, I always wait in eager anticipation for the Super Bowl ads only to be disappointed in the aftermath (kinda like having sex with the really hot guy). This year you made the commercial watching experience even more amusing. I also found out that two of my favorite ads came out on top.

Thankfully the game became competitive and interesting in the second half. The Brand Bowl was still a blast although it prevented me from going to the bathroom (which is kinda tricky while drinking that much beer).

VW's  Mini Vader

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