Friday, September 25, 2009

Gotta Love those Tahoe Boys

As promised a separate post on the ratio of men to women in South Lake Tahoe. I am speaking strictly of locals and not visiting tourists. South Lake is like Alaska in this category. The ratio of men to women is probably about 8:1. I am not positive and would love to do the research to back this up. Not only are there more men but also they seem to be very nice to look at. Most of them are avid bikers, hikers, climbers, skiers, and snowboarders. So that makes them in pretty good shape. They also seem to be friendly, witty, and smart. It seems every night in South Lake is ladies night. I am definitely no Megan Fox but my time in South Lake made me feel that hot. Everywhere I went men approached, flirted, and complimented. I got invited to parties, told how attractive I was at every turn. I was beginning to think that it was all some sorted joke and any minute Ashton Kutcher was going to pop out of some van telling me I’ve been punkd. The icing on the cake took place when I went out for sushi with my parents and some guy actually came up to our table and told my dad just how hot his daughter was. Sake almost came out of his nose. He thought that I knew the guy but that was not the case. After a few days in Tahoe a girl starts to get used to the attention but alas she returns to the Bay Area where she is still cute but no longer gets the attention she deserves. Single and married women alike I suggest high tailing it down to South Lake for an amazing time, beautiful surroundings and a much needed ego boost.

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