Saturday, April 25, 2009

Working through the weekend

I am feeling distracted. All I want to do is play outside but this hellish semester is coming to a close and I am chained unhappily to my computer.

My dating news:
I have decided to give the guy who likes pop music a shot. What harm can come from just one drink? I am a "rocker chick" but who am I to turn my nose up at other people's taste in music and entertainment? He thought that my Battlestar Galactica fetish was dorky. It is but I am not ashamed of my geekiness, so I shouldn't blame him for his cheesy musical tastes.
I never heard from the Angry Parking Nazi again, which is a good thing. When you are on a second date and the guy is yelling at you calling you stupid because you are lacking the parallel parking gene it is a red flag to get out. I am just still mad because I told him the spot he forced me to park in was a little too small and I did end up by getting an $85 ticket. It was a pricy way to figure out that he is not the right guy for me.

Back to the grind, three weeks until a little bit of freedom comes my way.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I have been meaning to start this blog for a very long time. I have been writing journals for years but never really made that leap till now. Not sure why maybe it is the fear of graduating from my masters program and knowing that I have a pile of loans that I will need to pay back before I die a premature death. I think I just need a little venting space.

There are a few things that you should know about me; I am a crazy New Yorker, loyal friend, extremely challenged parallel parker, and I think now I might be considered kind of a music snob. Am I a completely shallow person if I question going out with a guy because he is a fan of teeny-bob music? I have never thought of myself as one before but internet dating does open your eyes to your flaws as well as the giant flaws of the single men who coincidentally leave certain things off their profile information. It is scary what is left over for single women in the bay area.