A few months have passed since I finished graduate school. During this time, I have blown through a range of emotions. I have been happy, relieved, enraged, lethargic, optimistic, pessimistic, pensive, and defeated. I finally feel like I have broken free and reached the other side. Everyone keeps telling me I should be grateful for this reflective time - what they don’t understand is, I love working. I relish solving problems and using my overpriced brain on a daily basis.
I have applied to a plethora of jobs in the last few months. The weekly number is deafening. Some of the jobs have been above my level of experience and some have been below. I know it’s hard out there for everyone. I feel it is worse for those just coming out of school all brighteyed and bushytailed. In my chosen profession, agencies don’t really want to hire someone entry-level. They want someone with experience who can bring in big clients. It seems that “they” just aren’t looking for juniors anymore. They will hire us for freelance or contract positions. It’s not like we need health insurance or anything. We are young.
Where are these blue skies you ask? Once I recovered from my Dexter watching haze, (I think I might be addicted to that show), everything became clear. The next step lies only in my hands - no one else has that power. I am in the mix for a few possible jobs. I should find out soon if anything pans out. For me the real blue sky epiphany lies, not with the action of getting a job, but with my revived second wind. I am a fighter. Now that I have rediscovered that fact, my world is sunny again.
To be continued….
Glad to hear you've got your second wind. Something will come along for you, just may take time as Cali is the hardest hit by the recession. As someone who's been out of work for going on sixteen months with a wife who's been out of work for fifteen months, applied to over one hundred jobs and only had two interviews, I can tell you it's tough not only for grads, but for everyone. I hope things turn around soon or I'm heading to Canada. Not trying to be a downer, just letting you know you're not alone, my sister.