Saturday, June 4, 2011

NBA Finals: My Thoughts on Game 1 and 2

As I have already stated this year’s finals is quite different from the last few years. I’m not sure where my loyalty lies because I have negative feelings for both teams. This year, there is no clear hero or villain. The one thing that remains is that I love the game of basketball. So of course I have to watch. Here are my thoughts on the first two games.

Game 1 - Heat 92 Mavericks 84

Overall, I was unimpressed by the offense in this game. Despite the fact that the Heat won by 8 points the first two quarters looked ugly on both sides. I think both teams were shooting under 40%. Both teams had a long rest between series. In the fourth quarter, the Heat stepped up their defense and began making shots. The Heat scored 27 pts and shot about 48%. In the final 10 minutes of the quarter, the Mavericks only scored 10 pts and shot about 40% (their lowest of the playoffs). At the end of this game all of the commentators and Miami fans were guilty of hubris. This was just game one. Dallas fans worried about Dirk’s hurt finger.

Game 2 - Mavericks 95 Heat 93

Game 2 was a completely different story. It was a competitive game for the first quarter and actually exciting to watch. Both teams had stepped up in the offense and defensive departments. At half time the score was tied 51-51. The Heat owned the 3rd quarter. They were shooting 53% with LeBron making 8/11 and Wade making 11/15 shots. Dallas was turning over the ball left and right. Even with the Heat scoring numerous times in the 3rd, Dallas was only down by 4, when headed to the 4th quarter.

The second half of the 4th was when the momentum of the game shifted drastically. The Mavericks went on a 17-2 run. Everything worked for Dallas and the Heat seemed like they were asleep at the wheel. Every shot Miami put up was off the mark. They couldn’t make an offensive play to save their lives. The two points they scored were actually foul shots. Dallas ended up winning the game in a thrilling come back victory. I found myself actually rooting for them and forgetting my dislike for the team because of this riveting win. Just as I kind of pledged my allegiance to Dallas, the camera shot to Mark Cuban jumping up and down. I then quickly remembered why I don’t like the Mavericks.

Side note: The Heat and Mavericks series just got interesting. Miami heads back to Dallas for three straight games, so I can’t wait to see what happens in game 3.

Unrelated note: Steve Nash was at the game to support Dallas and he looks really hot now. I guess divorce agrees with him.

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