Monday, August 9, 2010

Sunday Weekly Recap Rant

Since I am glued to my futon every Sunday night to watch my favorites shows, I have decided to turn my slacker time into something constructive. So begins my weekly recap rant. Caution SPOILER ALERT!

True Blood – This week was a little less bloody and a little more same sex oriented. Sookie wakes up from her coma with tons of Bill’s blood. They break up because he accidentally fed a little too much and tried to rape her. Despite this little misunderstanding, they still love each other. Tara is having major PTSD and it’s even affecting her masturbating time. There is a white trash contest. Who is more trailer park Sam’s family or the inbred meth heads up in Hotshot? Lafayette loves Jesus in a very non-religious way. Eric pretends to be interested in the King’s husband only to get his revenge. Sookie, Bill, and teenage vamp Jessica, fight some werewolves and win. Sookie being not the brightest bulb chooses porno sex with Bill instead of getting up on the sexy and sweet Alcide.

Mad Men – This week was all about Dick. Dick Whitman that is. It was Christmas/ New Year’s break so no fun advertising stories. Dick/ Don goes to Cali and visits the real Don Draper’s wife. They bond. This actually seems to be the most honest and pure relationship he has with a woman. Too bad she is dying of bone cancer and doesn’t know it. He goes back to NY and nurses his conscience with booze and hookers. He brings geeky Brit Lane along for the ride. Usually Madmen’s depiction of the era is dead on but I have 2 major bones to pick this week. I know doctors did smoke in 1965 but isn’t it a little over the top for Joanie’s Gynecologist to be lighting up while she is in the stirrups? AND was a night with a high-end hooker only $25?

Entourage – While Madmen was all about Dick Entourage was all about bush. Turtle fumbles his sexual escapade with Alex because her Brazilian wax startles him. Then he mistakenly takes manscaping advice from Drama. Ari is finally getting screwed ironically; it’s for something he doesn’t really deserve. Vince is turning into an out of control drunk dating the only porn star in town that does not have a Brazilian wax.

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