Saturday, May 29, 2010

Still Kinda Lost

Lost had its epic series finale last week and as usual my predictions were a little off. The ending is open to interpretation, which comes as no surprise. The conclusion to me felt a lot like Jacob’s Ladder but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Bottom line is it’s all about Jack. It’s Jack’s journey through love, life, and loss. This makes sense because he seemed to be the central character all along. All roads lead to Jack and his functional and dysfunctional relationships. Was it Jack’s purgatory or his psychotic breakdown before he died? Did any of these people actually exist on the island? Those answers we shall never know. We are glad to know that in the afterlife, Claire still looks hot, Sun and Jin are together, and Sawyer isn’t a cop. It was also great to see old favorites like Boone, Charlie, and Juliet. It’s nice to know that in the end everyone got to hook up with past loves, which made it feel a little like Grey’s Anatomy. Anyway thank you J.J. for providing us with entertaining weird television and for still leaving us a little Lost.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

I will be a little Lost without it

As many of you know, I am a big Sci-Fi Geek. Although Lost has had its ups and downs in the last six years, it still remained one of my favorite shows. The conclusion of Lost feels like the end of an era of quality weird TV. Networks have tried to duplicate the mystery, suspense, and wackiness of Lost, but have never been successful. This is the part where I lament about what I have learned and make my predictions for the series finale.

Spoiler Alert: I am going to rant about situations from past episodes, so if you are not up to date please stop reading.

What do we know already? Who is even left to discuss? They eliminated some key characters recently. Dear J.J. Abrams, why would you kill both Kwons? The island better not be done with them yet. Jin has never even seen his daughter. This storyline is almost as weak as when Felicity chopped off her hair.

The Players

Jacob: We know that Jacob is no saint. He has mommy issues and a bad case of sibling rivalry. We know that he is responsible for creating the smoke monster, which still remains nameless (maybe we just call him Jacob’s brother or the man in black like, Johnny Cash).

Kate: She can’t make a decision to save her life and never could. She would love to mold her own man that would be a cross between Sawyer and Jack. I have a strong feeling; she will end up with neither. I think she will probably leave the island and finish raising Aaron, since Claire has become a bit crazy.

Sawyer: We all want Sawyer to have a purpose. We love him because he is the bad boy that has learned to let people in. He fell in love with Kate and Juliet. He rocked the Dharma Initiative gear and became a leader. A cooler more sarcastic version of Jack, he is awesome at coming up with nicknames and looking hot without a shirt. He is and always will be my favorite Lost character. I would be happy if Sawyer didn’t have a Hollywood ending. I would love to see him leave the island and return to the con. I would rather see him eaten by the Locke monster than become a cop.

Hugo: Everyone loves Hurley but I have never been that big of a fan. I would choose him to remain on the island and protect the “light”. He doesn’t seem to have much going for him on the outside. He is able to communicate with dead people, so he would have plenty of company on the island. He has loved and lost and maybe remaining on the island as the candidate will help him heal.

Jack: In the past few weeks Jack has been channeling the real Locke. He is all about the island and protecting it. He feels it’s his duty and purpose to remain on the island. It appears that he will because last week he drank Jacob’s Kool- aid. I don’t like this ending for Jack. I think he should be able to find happiness off the island. I understood his motivation to go back to the island and save his friends but making the island his permanent residence doesn’t make sense.

Desmond: Someone needs to help a brotha out. He has been through way too much to die on this island. Hopefully he will be able to finally leave the island and be reunited with his family. Still not sure why he doesn’t blow up, when struck with high voltage.

Side note: Not sure what is going on with the sideways storyline. It seems like it’s just the fake world Jack tried to create, via bombing the hatch site, and killing poor Juliet. It also appears that Desmond is trying to get everyone to remember what really happened. Not too impressed with this world except that fact that Claire is hot again. Can’t stand to look at her on the island. I know they made her crazy but couldn’t they give her a brush or something? But since this is Lost anything can happen. This could be the true world. Btw did we ever find out why there are polar bears on the tropical island?
I have rambled and ranted enough. We shall see on Sunday how this ends, Hopefully all will be explained. Until then let's raise a Dharma Initiative beer and see what happens...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Can a Yankee’s girl ever make it with a Red Sox’s boy?

Despite having a California zip code for the last decade, I will always be a New Yorker. When push comes to shove and I am asked where are you from, my answer is always the big apple. As a native New Yorker, I wear my love for all things New York like a badge of honor.

As many of you already know, I am a basketball addict. Being an avid NBA fan is devastating when you are from NY. I admit that the Knicks suck. I was bred to hate with every fiber in my being any sports team that resides in Boston. So the recent victory for the Celtics, left a bad taste in my mouth. I hope it will encourage Lebron to become a Knick next year and then maybe we won’t suck as much.
I am a self-proclaimed hater of all Boston based sports. The Yankee/Red Sox rivalry is one of the oldest and fiercest feuds in the baseball world. My love for the Yankee’s is in my DNA. I can remember fondly going to games with my dad and my brother when I was just a little tyke. The smell of a Yankee Stadium hot dog still brings a smile to my face. Hard-core Yankee fans and Red Sox’s fanatics follow their teams like a religion.

Just recently I had a conversation that raised the question can Yankee fans and Red Sox fans make it when it comes to romantic relationships? At first I was quick to answer of course, then I went home and really thought about it. I thought back to one of my past relationships, where I did date a native Bostonian and Red Sox's devotee. It was a complete disaster. We were constantly bickering about sports among other ridiculous things. I honestly believe that our desire to one-up each other stemmed from that old feud. Of course those weren’t our only problems. He was pretentious and vindictive. He definitely lived up to his nickname (courtesy of me) the Intellectual Ape.

In this world of absolutes there is still some hope. The one couple that manages to put their baseball allegiances aside are my parents. My dad is a die-hard Yankee's fan and my mom, born in Boston, is a loyal Red Sox's fan. How do these two crazy kids make it work? They avoid the subject at all costs.