I have tackled this topic before in my blog (see my June posting).
Why are we different?
After having a lunch yesterday with one of my best friends (Rin, who coined the term “Age of Anxiety”) I feel it needs revisiting.
Society makes women feel like they MUST have a man and be married, or close to it, by the ripe age of 30.
We must want children. If not - there is something wrong with us.
If you live your life manless, you are somehow in complete.
None of these societal shackles exist for men. For men, being a bachelor is cool, exciting, and even a little exotic. They are considered free and by most women a “good catch.”
I am not some kind of feminazi - just a person with common sense.
Why can’t certain women be alone?
I feel confident in the fact that I may meet someone and fall madly in love. I also accept the fact that I might not. My happiness does not, and should not, depend on if I am part of a couple.
Why are women seen as broken if they are not attached?
I have known so many women who have fallen into this trap. “I am 30 and I can’t be alone. I want children. Let me date a 'nice' guy who has some money who would be a good father. I like the person just fine, so I might as well.”
I refuse to settle. I know there are many different kinds of love and passion fades, but it must be there in the beginning. I might be choosing a life as a crazy cat lady but at least I am choosing a happy fulfilled life on my own terms.