As promised a separate post on the ratio of men to women in South Lake Tahoe. I am speaking strictly of locals and not visiting tourists. South Lake is like Alaska in this category. The ratio of men to women is probably about 8:1. I am not positive and would love to do the research to back this up. Not only are there more men but also they seem to be very nice to look at. Most of them are avid bikers, hikers, climbers, skiers, and snowboarders. So that makes them in pretty good shape. They also seem to be friendly, witty, and smart. It seems every night in South Lake is ladies night. I am definitely no Megan Fox but my time in South Lake made me feel that hot. Everywhere I went men approached, flirted, and complimented. I got invited to parties, told how attractive I was at every turn. I was beginning to think that it was all some sorted joke and any minute Ashton Kutcher was going to pop out of some van telling me I’ve been punkd. The icing on the cake took place when I went out for sushi with my parents and some guy actually came up to our table and told my dad just how hot his daughter was. Sake almost came out of his nose. He thought that I knew the guy but that was not the case. After a few days in Tahoe a girl starts to get used to the attention but alas she returns to the Bay Area where she is still cute but no longer gets the attention she deserves. Single and married women alike I suggest high tailing it down to South Lake for an amazing time, beautiful surroundings and a much needed ego boost.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Gotta Love those Tahoe Boys
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Been a long time....
It's been a really long time since I have posted something so I am going to take a cue from one of my favorite writers, Bret Easton Ellis, and cluster fuck what I have been up to this summer. I had an amazing internship where I think my brain actually grew in size, took my final Academy class and passed my final review with flying colors. Now I am the proud owner of a MFA in advertising, owe tons of money, and am breaking onto the job scene at a horrendous time. Don't let my tone fool you I am grateful and extremely lucky to have learned so much from so many amazing peers and professors.
Deep breath.
Right after finishing school I took a quickie trip to LA for work and mostly play. While there I: ate lots of delicious sushi, met an Asian bartender who was better than Tom Cruise from cocktail but for some reason is pouring drinks at the Sheraton in Universal City, had lots of excellent food and wine, found out that Howl @ the Moon is actually an underground Swingers club, reflected on how broke I was, went on a ghetto Hollywood tour in the back of a pick-up truck but was able to see Aaron Spelling's house and ponder how only 4 people lived in a pad with 113 rooms, saw old friends, hung out with my brother, SOAS, and spent time with my best friend Hope.
Deep breath.
I was home for a few days then took off on a relaxing retreat to South Lake Tahoe. My weeklong getaway was split into two parts. My amazing friend Susanne came up for the first three days and the rest of the week was my solo adventure.
Susanne and I: practiced the art of being beach bums and were successful, enjoyed the sun, lake, cocktails, food, Wheel of Fortune (when we got the spin), people watching at the Bob Dylan show (even though he sounded like a duck), Willie Nelson, picking up a pair of brothers who we thought were gay, sneaking into the casino the morning after for some eggs, the crystal clear cold beautiful lake.
Deep breath.
Although Susanne was a fantastic travel partner she had to get ready for France so she couldn't stay with me. I was about to discover that being on vacation by yourself is a glorious experience. At first I was a little timid but then I started to notice a startling fact. There were men everywhere. I have decided that I am going to write a separate post just about the ratio factor so women everywhere can reap the benefits.
My solo adventure consists of: reading, writing, contemplating, eating, and almost living at Zephyr Cove. Picking up more locals but this time one worthy of my attentions. Smart, talented, sweet, good-looking, well read, the total package. More great food and drink, relaxing, feeling peaceful, most importantly finding a quiet space to think.
Deep breath maybe two.
Since I have been back I have had time to reflect on just how broke I am and I keep thinking about the peace I felt in Tahoe but I am positive that I wouldn't last a winter there. I guess it will just have to be my "happy place." I need a job but more than that I WANT one. Never in my life have I been without school or work. I am afraid my brain will become all mushy. As of now my days are spent reading, writing, and thinking. I want to put my thinking to good use.
Deep breath.......