Friday, June 26, 2009

Beware of the Prius Driver

I have been thinking about this for a long time. My friend Sydel and I wanted to conduct a study to see if our hypothesis is true but we have already broken one of the most important rules of research. Remain objective.


Is it because they feel entitled? They are doing the right thing by buying the environmentally friendly car so that gives them an excuse to drive badly? Just because you pollute the earth with your car and they don't they have the right to cut you off, stop short, drive slow in the fast lane? In the words of one of my favorite shows FRAK that! I am worried about the environment but is there is no way I will ever say "YES" to one of those ugly cars especially if by purchasing one you immediately morph into bad driver.

Apparently we are not the only souls out there that believe this.

The Power Of Social Media

I am obviously frighteningly aware of the power of social networking, this is the digital age but I am still in shock about yesterday's events. I found out about Michael Jackson's untimely death while on Twitter through the sage-like words of Ashton Kutcher. Even worse his reliable and credible source of the bad news came directly from TMZ. What were they doing sniffing around his trash and happened to be there when the ambulance pulled up? The big shocker was that they were actually dead on. Let me take a brief moment to absorb this information. RIP Michael Jackson you were the "King of Pop" and I still have fond memories of begging my mother to buy me that hideous red Beat It jacket. Even scarier my older brother bought a matching one. I don't remember if we even wore them or if they just hung in the hallway closet next to each other collecting dust. I was only about 6 but my brother was 10 and should have known better. Hopefully Michael will be remembered for his incredible musical talent and not the creepy "other" life he led at the Neverland Ranch.

Side note: I did a Twitter search for Michael this morning and in 55 seconds he got 1,104 hits. Congrats Mike you dusted all those Twi-hards.

Yet another side note: I became obsessed with this Michael Jackson saga and forgot about another crazy social media occurrence that happened yesterday. Shaq finding out he's been traded on Twitter.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Why are we different?

Last week I was visiting my undergrad college roommate and I hadn't seen her or her fabulous mother in a long time. The first question her Mom asks is "am I seeing anyone"? She hasn't seen me for about a year and so much has happened in my life and hers but that was the first thing she wanted to talk about. Later over many glasses of wine we all had an interesting conversation. When women reach a certain age and they are single no matter what else they have accomplished the question on everyone's mind is when will she settle down? Have a family? Get Married? This is not the same for men of the same age. Folks think they have plenty of time and since their sperm seems to work for a very long time people aren't concerned about that. This pisses me off. I thought in 2009 that a woman can be smart, successful, sexy, and single. I will not settle. Of course I would love a male partner for many reasons but I will never reach that "age of anxiety" where I just close my eyes and pick one that will just do. Ok climbing off my soapbox now.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Now what? Part 2

The next milestone was my pseudo graduation. I walked but I still have 2 classes and a final review. Although it was mostly anti-climatic it was amazing to see the look of pride on my parents faces. Three years of hard work, cocky teachers sometimes bordering on cruel and a zillion dollars in debt but it was worth it to see them smile.

After a 5-course semester I should be stoked to have some down time but I have been going a little stir crazy. I am waiting on a few different leads for a much needed internship. I am broke so I was not able to get away and clear my head like I usual do after a huge semester. I am finally started to put this nervous energy to a productive use. For 2 weeks all I did was watch basketball and Battlestar Galactica. Now I am starting to kick back into gear and feel like myself again. 

Now what?

Many life-changing experiences have happened in the last few weeks but now I am sort of at a stand still. I feel as though I am running in place or something. A few weeks ago I attended my first Bay to Breakers. It was amazing. I hear that this year the race was tame but having nothing to compare it to I had a great time. I went with a bunch of people and we dressed up as the Rock of Love bitches. My friend's boyfriend went as Bret Michaels. The energy of the city on that day was incredible. By the end I was tired, hungry, and a little cranky but it was worth it.